From Bloomberg Government: “ A new set of lawmakers stepped into powerful chairmanships in the 119th Congress. A new slate of lobbyists may be informally elevated alongside them.”

S-3 Group’s Matt Bravo and Olivia Kurtz were recognized by Bloomberg Government as key advisors to Energy and Commerce Chair Brett Guthrie (R-Kentucky) and Senate Appropriations Chair Susan Collins (R-Maine), respectively. During his tenure on Capitol Hill, Matt ran the coalitions and member services operation for the House Energy and Commerce Committee under then Chairman Fred Upton (R-Michigan). Olivia served as U.S. Senator Susan Collins’ Chief of Staff, Legislative Director, and Senior Policy Advisor prior to joining S-3 Group. Now they help advise our clients on a host of issues helping clients shape impactful policy outcomes.

Read the full article here.

About S-3 Group

S-3 Group is an integrated legislative, regulatory, and communications consultancy that helps clients shape policy outcomes and brand reputations. The firm brings together the power of its access, reach, and knowledge with the latest stakeholder engagement methods to create unprecedented influence for its clients. S-3 Group’s bipartisan team of policy, media, digital, grassroots, and political experts work together using the latest data to develop insights and strategies that help clients achieve their objectives.

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