


Malloy, a Partner at S-3, brings more than two decades of experience from working in senior levels of Senate Leadership on Capitol Hill to founding a top government affairs firm representing numerous Fortune 500 companies.

After over a decade on the Hill, Malloy was one of the founding partners of West Front Strategies before joining S-3 as a partner. At West Front, he represented a broad range of Fortune 500 clients in various sectors concentrating in Tax, Healthcare, Energy, International Trade and Government Business.

On Capitol Hill, Malloy served as a top policy advisor to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) coordinating outreach and strategy with business groups, trade associations and large coalitions in the areas of taxes, health care, financial services, and tech policy. Prior to his service in the Leader’s Office, he was the chief vote counter for Senate Majority Whip Mitch McConnell helping endure big majorities for the top legislative priorities of the Republican majority. He also assisted Senators in advancing their personal legislative priorities and keeping close track of each Senator’s voting history on critical legislation. He started Senate career working for Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-MS) in a handful of roles from the lead Republican Floor Assistant to working in the Senate Cloakroom where he advised Senators directly on floor proceedings and parliamentary procedures.